Summer 2022
We are now taking bookings for Summer 2022
The Covid situation is easing in most countries and, as with most epidemics, we are hoping that the third small wave we have experienced in the UK will be our last.
This has been a challenging time for everyone. We have been forced to adopt new methods of working such as teaching and holding meetings online. We will retain many of these practices which strengthen, support and diversify our offering. However, our core business remains real, physical summer courses, bringing children and teenagers together from many different countries to enjoy fun, friendship and learning in the English countryside.
We have a wonderful partner in Port Regis School, the venue for our summer courses. They share with us a commitment to make the future better for the next generation, not just through the skills we teach them but also through a deep and enduring commitment to sustainability. You can read more here.
Sarah and I feel totally ready to welcome pupils back to ECS at Port Regis next summer. We have had two years to rest, plan and prepare and are focussed on seeing the return of safe, happy and worthwhile courses for all our pupils in Summer 2022.